About Us
Scene Pensacola is an independent publication launched in 2023, dedicated to shining a light on and documenting the Pensacola and Gulf Coast Music and Arts scenes.
News From Around The Scene
Whether it be show announcements, band spotlights, concert recaps, music reviews or anything else that's newsworthy, useful or important, we put it right on our front page so you can always catch up on the latest happenings from around the scene throughout the region.
The Most Up To Date Show and Event Calendar
We wanted to create a single source for all music, art and cultural events happening in and around Pensacola that would always be up-to-date, current and relevant. But we also wanted to open it up to the community to be able to add their own gigs and shindigs to get the word out for free.
A Non-Annoying Newsletter for Weekly Show Alerts
We don't want to bombard your inbox and be an annoyance - we just want to be that one friend who always seems to know whats going on around town. So we send out a nifty newsletter once a week with a list of Upcoming Shows, and a recap of any important news we think you'd want to know about. Just our way of keeping you in the loop, and it costs nothing but a couple clicks and keystrokes.
A Band Directory for All
We wanted to create a place where all bands, musicians and artists can be featured and introduced to the world. An ever growing list of Pensacola's and the Gulf Coast's talent. Want to find a new band? Need to find a good fit for a show? Want to check out the lineup before heading out? We've got you covered.
Click the link below to meet the Scene Pensacola team: