BANGARANG PETER Rocks Out Subculture

There's certainly a lot of bands playing in Pensacola these days, but for the past four years one band has stood out from all the rest for me. That band is BANGARANG PETER!

I had the chance to see BANGARANG PETER at one of Pensacola's most eclectic and unique venues, Subculture. It was to be a night of pure live entertainment as BANGARANG PETER opened the night's musical offerings with a set that totally blew Denise and I away!

Renee and Jesse

First, a version of White Rabbit rang out in the venue as the band performed their sound check. One of the unique characteristics of this group of seasoned music makers is their ability to arrange covers to meet their particular style. I appreciate bands that honor the original composition adding their own flair and nuances, reproducing essentially a new tune altogether. BANGARANG PETER excels at this and is known for it.

Black Cat On Cocaine, an original number, was the opening tune just after White Rabbit and I must say it compelled me to move my feet even though I was monitoring my live feed at the time. That didn't deter the audience from dancing about the floor. You could tell BANGARANG PETER was full on in the house! Lets Start A Cult Babe, another original, hit and made a resounding impression on those swaying, jumping and dancing about the venue. As the set progressed, songs such as Cant Get Enough and Make Me Wanta Run followed with overwhelming gratitude from the audience. After wrapping up an hour long opening set, the crowd was pumped and ready for more live, original music. BANGARANG PETER knows how to get an audience off their asses and on their feet!

Renee Amelia playing a "Jesse" altered guitar

This band exemplifies what it means to work year round. Renee Amelia herself plays numerous venues throughout the year as a solo act, but what impresses me most is their dedication to original music and how they perform it. To say that BANGARANG PETER is a show band is an understatement. The way they command the stage is astounding to say the very least. Whether they are donning costumes of varying themes or just jamming on an open mic night, these musicians are playing all over the gulf coast and beyond.

Jesse O'Neal, the bass player, specializes in mixing with the crowd as he walks all over his custom, lighted bass guitar. Jesse alters his bass guitars and those that Renee plays to a custom creation all his own featuring lighted fret boards and unique hardware that screams SHOW BAND!

Jesse O'Neal playing his custom made bass

Ethan Nutt, the bands drummer, pounds out rhythms and chops that are indicative of his laid back style until its time to not lay back. Then at times, all hell breaks loose!

If you're wondering how they took that name, you only have to go as far as watching the movie HOOK with Robin Williams and Dustin Hoffman. In that iconic of holiday film, the words Bangarang Peter rang out when Peter was finally realizing he was indeed the legendary Peter Pan.

Don't miss BANGARANG PETER when they come to your town. You'll experience much more than just a night of quality originals and special covers, you will walk away with memories!

If you weren't able to make it and BANGARANG PETER sounds like a band for you, be sure you keep up with the band on social media here

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