ICON Modern Art Gallery Grand Opening

Earlier this January, renovations on an 1860's era building began at 213 S Alcaniz St in the Seville historic district. Pensacola transplants Avian Noble, a graduate of Yale University and Halle Castille, former Art Director at Easy Going Gallery combined forces to bring a new modern art space to the area. Avian is ICON's Gallery Director, while Halle the gallery's Curator and Manager.

ICON Modern Art Gallery now open at 213 S Alcaniz St. (Photo: Charlotte Hutchins)

ICON Modern Art Gallery, or IMAG as it is affectionately known is the latest Arts spot in the region, with plans to shake up the local arts scene in new and exciting ways. With planned monthly exhibitions and challenges to keep the local creative spirit alive, artists seeking a solo show are also able to rent this uniquely designed space to showcase their work.

We attended the Grand Opening event on October 27th, where we found a plethora of local art pieces with a theme that fit right in with this year's spooky season. Many of which were available for purchase to the public.

Till Death Do Us Art (Photo: Charlotte Hutchins)

This January the gallery will feature their open call to Artists for the Eras show, which is inspired by the ever changing phases of an Artist.

Artist Michael Curri, who will have a solo exhibition at IMAG this January. (Photo: ICON Modern Art Gallery)

Local artist Michael Curri will also be showcasing his mesmerizing neon artwork in January in his own solo exhibition.

IMAG joins the local arts scene in a time where artists and art lovers alike are returning, and a scene that is growing and coming out of its post-covid slumber. We rally behind this gallery, and hope to cover future exhibitions to introduce the community to the amazing talent that exists right here all around us.

Our own Tim Schaffer recently attended ICON's Holiday Art Reception. Check it out below:

Holiday Art Reception at ICON Modern Art Gallery (Video: Tim Schaffer)

For more info on ICON Modern Art Gallery, check the links below:

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iconmodernartgallery/
Website: https://www.iconmodernartgallery.com