Lee Bains III at ALGA Beer Co.

Here’s a little photo recap of a spectacular Saturday evening of music at ALGA Beer Co. with Lee Bains III.

Lee Bains III at ALGA Beer Co.
Lee Bains III at ALGA - Photos by Brian Butler

It was one man with one mic and one electric guitar, who was in total control of his songs and the room.

Lee Bains II at ALGA - Photos by Brian Butler
Lee Bains II at ALGA - Photos by Brian Butler

I love it when I like an artist’s recorded music and then, when I see them live, it’s even better than expected. Some of my favorite bands became my favorite bands for that reason. I liked Lucero’s songs I’d heard on albums but the first time I saw them live I was blown away. Same with Jason Isbell, Phoebe Bridgers, John Paul White, and a only few more.

But it just happened again with Lee Bains III. Liked him going in. Loved him going out. Such an intimate but powerful show. I took photos on and off but most of the time I spent sitting back, stomping along to the beat, and taking it all in. I get emotional when I connect to live music and the way Bains was pouring his soul into the songs there was no way to avoid a few happy tears that night.

I’m a decent photographer and writer but a terrible reporter so I didn’t jot down a set list. But I do know he kicked off the set roaring into Company Man with the opening guitar licks filling the room and halting conversation and he finished the night with the beautiful Weeds Downtown that I wrote about here on Scene Pensacola earlier and that the guys at ALGA named a beer after a while back. 

Between those two songs, he spent nearly an hour and a half bouncing through his catalog, telling stories and occasionally holding forth about societal, political, or economic injustices. And sure, he may have been preaching to the choir because we knew going in what he's about. But I think I speak for the entire choir when I say we were there for it. Preach! 😄

Bains, who seems somewhat shy and introverted off-stage and is as kind and as thoughtful as can be, holds nothing back on-stage. While he’s howling into the mic and pacing the floor making his guitar scream, you realize that even though he is solo... and he is a singer... and he is a songwriter... this ain't your typical singer-songwriter show. I hope I get a chance to see him with a full band one day.

The folks at ALGA worked hard to get Bains to come to town and play and I'm so glad it finally happened. Our musical tastes seem to align so if they bring more music in, I'm sure I'll be there.

I was worried going in but I was pleasantly surprised how good it sounded in there. And it's just a crazy cool place to spend a few hours hanging out with friends and listening to music.

Finally, I've got a whole rant about making sure you buy merch if you're able when musician's come through town. That's how most stay afloat. And especially when the artist is running their own table, it's beautiful to see a line like this.