Inside Maggie Rose's Sold Out Biloxi Show

On a recent Saturday night, at a venue co-owned by Morgan Freeman, patrons were treated a show by another star, Maryland born and Nashville based singer, Maggie Rose.

Maggie Rose performs at Ground Zero in Biloxi, Mississippi on Apr. 1, 2023. (Photo: Tandra Smith)

Rose played to a sold out crowd at Ground Zero Blues Club in Biloxi, Mississippi on Apr. 1 but there were no jokes to be had the whole night...just a catchy assortment of blues, rock, R&B and other musical hybrids.

Before Rose took the stage though, attendees heard from opener Serabee, a Mississippi and Gulf Coast native.

Serabee opens for Maggie Rose at Ground Zero Blues Club in Biloxi, Mississippi on Apr. 1, 2023. (Photo: Tandra Smith)

Serabee only needed two instruments to entertain the Biloxi crowd, her voice and her piano, adorned with a silver sparkly fabric and topped with sets of white beads and unlit candles.

"Mississippi and Louisiana, that's me," Serabee proudly proclaimed after one song, earning cheers from the crowd before she immediately launched into another one.

It was almost too soon when she left the stage with her wide brim hat and glittery shawl.

Soon enough, Rose took the stage accompanied by the rest of her group. She wasted no time launching into numerous high energy tunes prompting people to clap, cheer and sing right along with her.

Of course, there were plenty of times throughout the night she sung slower songs with a few ballads sprinkled in.

Her setlist consisted of 20 songs, but there wasn't a single time where it felt like her performance was dragging. In fact, quite the opposite.

Probably the highlight of the night was when Rose was presented with a cheesecake named after her. Talk about a sweet treat to top off a sweet night.

Keep up with Maggie Rose on the following:

Instagram | Facebook | Twitter

Check out her upcoming tour dates here.

🗣️ Have you had a chance to catch Maggie Rose live? Let us know in the comments below!