Subculture Hosts Tunes For Toys

It wasn't the very best of days as Subculture hosted an event at their outstanding venue in Pensacola. It had been raining all day, and it didn't appear to be letting up anytime soon as we pulled into the parking lot at about 4pm. Once inside, I noticed barely a handful of patrons, some Subculture staff and a DJ occupying the room.

Denise and I hung out for about an hour, sampled one of Subculture's fine latte's, and perused the THC drink menu, something I didn't realize was even a thing! After a brief discussion with Chris, the owner, it was determined that 4 of the bands that were due to play starting at 2pm, cancelled for various reasons. We decided to depart and return later once the live music was underway.

Owner Chris helps a DJ pack his gear

We returned at or about 8pm to a very different atmosphere all together. FATE JACKET, a local progressive rock band had taken the stage and was kickin hard.

We sat down and I threw the livestream rig up and began to record an outstanding performance. Everyone in the venue, which had grown considerably, were into the music, some were dancing, some tapping a foot and others quite enthralled with what was taking place on stage.

Subculture, formally known as Easy Going Gallery, is known for hosting a variety of entertainment from DJ's, comedy and local and regional acts. Not only do they keep their venue exceedingly clean, the staff always makes you feel welcomed. Community events and support are common at Subculture and Tunes for Toys certainly fits that bill to a tee! When we left early in the afternoon, the table with the toys had barely a handful of toys present, when we returned however, that had changed.

The donation table packed and stacked

Though we didn't stay much after the band finished, it was apparent to us that the evening hours produced quite a showing. Tunes for Toys proved to be a resounding success providing joy and happiness to those less fortunate than most. Its going to be a great Christmas for some very special kids this year. Scene Pensacola salutes Subculture for their selfless contributions to our fine community and wish them well in 2024. Chris and his staff are special folks.

The Beatman recommends you go see a show at Subculture. You wont be disappointed!

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